AM presenter Melissa Chan-Green reveals newborn daughter's name

Melissa Chan-Green has shared more pictures of her newborn baby daughter and revealed the girl's name.

On Instagram she shared the new girl is named Mabel Sadie Green.

"Mabel Sadie Green, born 6lb 3 ounces. We are touched by all the kind messages of congrats! Thank you!," she wrote.

"So proud of Mabel and her doting big brother, Busby."

The new photos included one of her cuddling her two children and another of Chan-green and Mabel as a pair, which received plenty of comments from fans.

On Sunday, she revealed she'd become a new mother of two by posting a picture of herself and her new child on Instagram.

She said she was "so grateful to this wee baby girl for making me a mummy to two".

"Just quickly popping up from my newborn cuddle bubble, look forward to sharing some more pics in the morn and with my AM fam. Happy Mother's Day," she said.

Fellow AM host Ryan Bridge was among the first to congratulate Chan-Green, saying: "Congratulations Mel and Casper (and Busby!). A great addition to the house of Chan-Green. She's adorable. Love you guys xx"

Chan-Green went on maternity leave at the end of April to have her second child.