Paddy Gower to turn to flower power for 40 hours

Paddy Gower is turning to flower power to help save the planet.

As part of World Vision New Zealand's upcoming 40 Hour Challenge, the Newshub broadcaster will be heading out onto the streets and handing out flowers to random strangers.

Thousands of young people around the country are expected to take part in a series of challenges to raise funds for World Vision's work fighting the impacts of climate change across the Asia-Pacific region.

Speaking on AM on Tuesday, World Vision innovation lead Richard Matthews said the idea was quite a random one.

"What rhymes with 40 hour, Paddy Gower. Then we decided on flowers," he told AM hosts Melissa Chan-Green and Lloyd Burr.

"Who knows what I'll give out," Gower joked. "I'm just going to give them to anyone.

"I'm pretty old, so I can remember the 40 hour famine - I never did that, I feel bad I never stepped up to the challenge."

Watch the AM video above.