AM crew left with egg on their faces after being duped by colleague

AM hosts Melissa Chan-Green, Lloyd Burr and Nicky Styris were left with egg on their faces on Tuesday's episode.

They had mentioned the International Egg Throwing championships which took place in England over the weekend; an event which sees participants throwing eggs over large distances, trying to catch them without breaking them.

The current world record of 94.3m was achieved by a team from New Zealand in 2016.

At the end of Tuesday's broadcast of AM, Chan-Green revealed they'd be playing a game of Russian roulette with a box of eggs, with each person having to crack the egg on their head.

She explained newsreader Michael O'Keeffe had bought a box of six eggs and had boiled some and left others uncooked.

However, it turned out O'Keeffe had a trick up his sleeve as none of the eggs were cooked and all the hosts ended up cracking raw eggs on their own heads on live TV.

"Michael did not even boil these!" Styris angrily complained. Her indignity was doubled when she was forced to do a second one by Burr as she "got off lightly" with the first one.

Watch the video above.